The first two features are self explanatory but what about the Controlled key feature? you are probably asking.
Controlled keys are usually keys that either can't be duplicated on a common key machine that most hardware stores or big box stores have to make keys. They can come in different levels of security with the highest being a restricted keyway and key blank. This in a nut shell means only your locksmith has access to these key blanks and they require special expensive key machines to cut them.
You may be asking who would need a controlled key system? An example would be a business that might be concerned that an employee that is currently trusted to open the store might decide to make some extra copies of the traditional key. He can run down to the Big Box store and do this easily. But with a Controlled key he can not do this.
What if the employee is terminated or just decides to quit and he has a controlled key? What if he doesn't want to give it back? One company I know handled the potential problem this way: Before issuing the key they had the employee sign an agreement form to return the key when requested or upon termination or they would not receive their coming paycheck until he complied.
Of course if the key was not returned or lost the business should have the locks re-keyed to avoid that key coming back in the wrong hands causing problems with security.
A homeowner might also find the need when they have housekeepers or maintenance people coming and going while they are not home.
Cost of high security and controlled key systems depend on which features and brands are selected.
Call Chuck with WJ Locksmith to answer your questions and help you decide which High Security and Controlled key System is right for your situation.
Address: West Jefferson, N.C. 28694
Phone: (336) 620-5397
Certifications: ALOA Associated Locksmiths of America
National Automotive Service Task Force
North Carolina Locksmith Association
North Carolina Locksmith License # 2288
Licensed, bonded and insured
All Rights Reserved | WJ Locksmith